2009年11月19日 星期四

文化及生態旅遊班( 蝴蝶保育園內的部分植物)

2 則留言:

  1. The flowers you selected to shoot  photo are very elegant. Where is the Butterfly
    Garden? Is this class you just begin to attend? I am interested to know how many
    times one has to attend this class each month and its cost.  Thank you.
    [版主回覆11/21/2009 14:26:00]The Butterfly Garden is in Tai Po. This is a month class, two lessons indoor and two lessons outdoor. Otherwise, it may be more exciting at the late lesson that we will outdoor from 9:00 -5:00pm .

  2. What a pity that I can't attend this wondrous class while I am out of Hong Kong. As a remedy,would you please teach me what you have learnt in your two outdoor lessons when I return to H.K.?
    [版主回覆11/24/2009 06:34:00]Yes, try I best.
